Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flower Reaction

Flower Reaction is a game i like to play sometimes, it is surprisingly fun and addictive to play. Basically, there are mini flowers floating randomly on the screen. You get one flower to use and you can place that flower anywhere on the screen, and that flower will "explode" into a larger flower. This starts a chain reaction where the other flowers that touch this flower will explode as well, and can cause other flowers to explode. I use the word explode but it's more like... swelling? Blossoming? It's just very pretty to watch. There are also different coloured flowers that do different things, kinda like bonuses. The main appeal for me is definitely the graphics, the flowers are so pretty and the background song is surprisingly not as annoying as i would think especially hearing the same bars being looped for the whole time i'm playing (the sounds can be muted). Also, being a kinda no rush sorta person, it's nice that you can just leave the game midway and go have lunch or something and come back to it.

Side note: Here is a link to the game on Arcade Gameplay but i believe it can be found elsewhere too.

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